You’m are the CORPORATION, youm do so too have CORPORATION RIGHTS under INTERNATIONAL LAW!!! SDG Agenda 2030

If CORPORATIONS really wanted to help WE THE PEOPLE whom are CORPORATIONS once the [Birth Certificate] Qballs~ /_\ is Created…….,

than rather then be {U.N. Citizens} [{*}} of All these U.N. FLAGS….., why not be “A Citizen” of the (Corporation) of Pepsi.?.?.? Or Coca-Cola????

After all, if these CORPORATIONS will protect we NON-MASON Gentiles, then my “allegiance” could even be swayed to G4S whom would Push Back: with all their Military Gentile CORPORATION C.O.P.S. and Militant CAPITALISTS Military Grade Weapons from Ratheon, and then {we could all} /-\ push back against the FAKE JEWS of Hollywood to Bollywood from the Book of Revelation!!!!

The Rag Tag Rebellion “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition…

The Society of nonmason~

So if I wanted to TRANSFER my U.S. Social Security Account [too another] +=+ CORPORATION rather then just “another” CORPORATION FLAG like Israel – Saudi Arabia aka MADE IN CHINA,

I could get my Global Citizens Pass Port from Mcdonalds once they (stopped) using the 2 million starved and stuffed humans for their ALT-MEAT Big Macs,

and then I could carry an INTERNATIONAL Pass Port too any land, and be PROTECTED by the Golden Arches CORPORATION CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS under INTERNATIONAL LAW………,

as these {Corporate Wars} should be played out in the OPEN, and not under all these NASA Fake Space “lies agreed upon” of the G20 of the SDG of this FREE MASON Lodges [Religion] TEMPLES of (Members Only) for their THEY LIVE / * \ Agenda 2030 too murder: and kill off all NON-MASON Populations whom WE ARE “Gentiles” with their Federation Injections called the #COVAXXED of their WORLD DOMINATION PLOT known as (COVID19) …

#TheCrewRRR [{**}]

P.S. why not make our (Stratocracy) with those whom live off of our TAXES and Gifts of Charity: too all these FALSE Christ Religions????

Christ Jesus Returned… #EXODICE

As the God of Pak-Toe and the King of Angels and Demons at WAR IS MURDER against all The Racka in MATHEW 5… when you die, your I.D. under our CORPORATE ALLIANCE could become the I.D. of the Next Born in your CORPORATION Pineapple Blood Line:
insuring all your Assets and Debts are TRANSFERRED to that child, and yes, you would not want DEBTS too be taken on by your Children…….,
but you would want Legal Rights [Guaranteed] QBALLS~ /_\ that all your STUFF goes to one of your decedents…, or ANY CORPORATION PERSON youm do so too choose!!!!
In this way: YOUR CORPORATION #Cashapp $Johnnyexodice “Identity” never has to die out, unless you go Broke, but then again under (INTERNATIONAL LAW) other CORPORATIONS aka People can help keep your CORPORATION PERSON Alive…
and we can all choose an {Actors Name} like Johnny Exodice to do the Autograph, but in an INTERNATIONAL Court of Rules, our Signature (determines) +=+ what is to be done with our CORPORATION blood line…
The Sentinel… #EXODICE [{**}]

Published by johnnyexodice The only good FREE MASON Lodge Member is a Dead FREE MASON Lodge Member... The Society of nonmason~ † ///||| Ω

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